Nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, or kept secret that will not be made known.
Matthew 10:26
Words & Music: C. Harry Anders, in Joy Bells, edited by William A. Ogden (Toledo, Ohio: W. W. Whitney, 1878), pages 138–39 (🔊
As sung by the
Buell Family
at all their concerts.
If you know Anders’ full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
What is the angel recording tonight,
Hard by the throne in the realms of light?
Is it a word that was spoken in love,
Telling of rest above?
Oh, can it be that the happy and blest
See all we do from their home of rest?
Yes, whether sinning or doing the right,
All is recorded tonight.
Fighting or fainting,
Striving or yielding,
Loving the wrong or the right;
Whate’er our thinking or doing may be,
All is recorded tonight.
What is the angel recording tonight?
All of the mercies that scorners slight;
Tares that the careless continue to sow,
Telling of pain and woe;
Nothing of word or of deed is concealed,
Wishes and thoughts are alike revealed;
Naught of today can we hide from His sight,
All is recorded tonight.
What is the angel recording tonight?
Prayers of the faithful who love the right;
Songs that are sung of the mansions above,
Telling of Jesus’ love.
All who are patiently toiling today,
Turning a soul from the downward way;
Lose no reward, for the Savior of might
Has it recorded tonight.