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& Scripture Verse

Nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, or kept secret that will not be made known. Matthew 10:26


Words & Music: C. Har­ry An­ders, in Joy Bells, ed­it­ed by Will­iam A. Og­den (To­le­do, Ohio: W. W. Whit­ney, 1878), pag­es 138–39 (🔊 ). As sung by the Bu­ell Fa­mi­ly at all their con­certs.

If you know An­ders’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


What is the an­gel re­cord­ing to­night,
Hard by the throne in the realms of light?
Is it a word that was spok­en in love,
Telling of rest above?
Oh, can it be that the hap­py and blest
See all we do from their home of rest?
Yes, whe­ther sin­ning or do­ing the right,
All is re­cord­ed to­night.


Fighting or faint­ing,
Striving or yield­ing,
Loving the wrong or the right;
Whate’er our think­ing or do­ing may be,
All is re­cord­ed to­night.

What is the an­gel re­cord­ing to­night?
All of the mer­cies that scorn­ers slight;
Tares that the care­less con­tin­ue to sow,
Telling of pain and woe;
Nothing of word or of deed is con­cealed,
Wishes and thoughts are alike re­vealed;
Naught of to­day can we hide from His sight,
All is re­cord­ed to­night.


What is the an­gel re­cord­ing to­night?
Prayers of the faith­ful who love the right;
Songs that are sung of the man­sions above,
Telling of Je­sus’ love.
All who are pa­tient­ly toil­ing to­day,
Turning a soul from the down­ward way;
Lose no re­ward, for the Sav­ior of might
Has it re­cord­ed to­night.
