Scripture Verse

Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart. Deuteronomy 6:5


Harriet Auber (1773–1862)

Words: Har­ri­et Au­ber (1773–1862).

Music: Swanland Jo­seph Barn­by (1838–1896) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when the words or mu­sic were writ­ten,

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


With hearts in love abound­ing,
Prepare we now to sing
A lof­ty theme, re­sound­ing
Thy praise, al­migh­ty King;
Whose love, rich gifts be­stow­ing,
Redeemed the hu­man race;
Whose lips, with zeal o’er­flow­ing,
Breathe words of truth and grace.

In ma­jes­ty trans­cend­ent,
Gird on Thy con­quer­ing sword;
In right­eous­ness re­splend­ent,
Ride on, in­car­nate Word!
Ride on, O King Mes­si­ah,
To glo­ry and re­nown;
Pierced by Thy darts of fire,
Be ev­ery foe o’er­thrown!

So reign, O God in Hea­ven,
Eternally the same!
And end­less praise be giv­en
To Thine al­migh­ty name.
Clothed in Thy dazz­ling bright­ness,
Thy Church on earth be­hold
In robes of pur­est white­ness,
In rai­ment wrought with gold.

And let each Gen­tile na­tion
Come glad­ly in her train,
To share Thy great sal­va­tion,
And join her grate­ful strain:
Then ne’er shall note of sad­ness
Awake the trem­bling string;
One song of joy and glad­ness
The ran­somed world shall sing.