I will behold Thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness.
Psalm 17:15
Words: Benjamin Beddome (1717–1795). Published posthumously in Hymns Adapted to Public Worship (London: Burton & Briggs, 1818), number 806. Glories of Heaven.
Music: Angelus Georg Joseph, Heilige Seelenlust (Breslau [now Wrocław, Poland]: 1657) (🔊
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If you know where to get a good picture of Beddome or Georg (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
With joy, ye saints, direct your eyes,
Up to the world of perfect light;
Thither the happy spirit flies,
And faith and hope are turned to sight.
There living waters ever flow,
And floods of purest pleasure roll;
Such as on earth we cannot know,
And fruits celestial feast the soul.
The happy saint forgets his cares,
Substantial joys are all his own;
Troubles no more he feels or fears,
For ever seated near the throne.
There sits the Savior and unfolds
The mysteries of redeeming grace,
While every humble soul beholds
The dazzling luster of His face.