Scripture Verse

In His love and in His pity He redeemed them. Isaiah 63:9


George C. Stebbins (1846–1945)

Words: Ci­vil­la D. Mar­tin, 1906.

Music: George C. Steb­bins (🔊 pdf nwc).

Civilla D. Martin (1866–1948)


In love He re­deemed me, the Sav­ior divine,
I’m trust­ing in Him, life eter­nal is mine;
Unworthy the least of His gifts to re­ceive—
Salvation is mine as on Him I be­lieve.


Wonderful, won­der­ful love!
He came from the glo­ry above,
To seek and to save, and to make me His own;
O wonderful, won­der­ful love!

In love He re­deemed me through shed­ding of blood,
From far away plac­es he brought me to God;
He found me a sin­ner with no one to save,
And gra­cious­ly, lov­ing­ly my sins for­gave.


In love He re­deemed me and made me His own,
An heir to His glo­ry, His king­dom and throne;
Now an­thems of joy to His name I will sing,
Adoring my Sav­ior, my Lord and my king.
