Scripture Verse

Arise therefore, and be doing, and the Lord be with thee. 1 Chronicles 22:16


Llewellyn A. Morrison

Words: Lle­wel­lyn A. Mor­ris­on, Heart Bells (Lon­don, On­ta­rio, Ca­na­da: Law­son & Jones, 1899), page 6.

Music: R. Frank Leh­man (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frank Lehman (1859–1931)


Beloved of Je­sus, go forth and God speed thee!
Be swift in His name till the end of the days!
Let Christ, the great lead­er, om­ni­po­tent lead thee—
His king­dom thy boast, and His glo­ry thy praise!


Arise and be do­ing! Above and around thee,
The ranks of the ran­somed in pa­no­ply teem;
Be val­iant in ser­vice, for Je­sus hath crowned thee,
A ser­vant of ma­ny, to save and re­deem.

To act­ion! de­lay not! thy mis­sion, sal­va­tion;
The grace of thy go­ing each gate­way un­bars;
Win souls for the day of the King’s co­ro­na­tion;
The ones who turn ma­ny shall shine as the stars.


O, haste thee, nor tar­ry! stay not for the mor­row!
Jehovah, our God, thy de­fense and thy might;
Bear light in­to dark­ness, and joy un­to sor­row;
Be firm and be fear­less, for God and the right.


O, faint not, nor fal­ter, tho’ bur­dens op­press thee;
Thy buck­ler and shield the im­ma­cu­late word;
His pow­er and the spir­it of con­quest pos­sess thee,
Thy war cry and watch­word—the world for the Lord.
