I have called you friends.
John 15:15
Words & Music: Albert S. Reitz, 1918 (🔊
There never was a truer friend than Jesus,
He hears me when my heart for mercy pleads;
And no one knows my burdens like my Jesus,
For He alone can understand my needs.
Wonderful, unfailing friend is Jesus,
He fills my soul with singing all the day;
Wonderful, eternal friend is Jesus,
And He’ll go with me all the way.
There never was a truer friend than Jesus,
My sorrows He will always with me share;
And since He bore His cross, my blessèd Jesus,
There is no cross He will not help me bear.
There never was a truer friend than Jesus,
He is my life and strength, my all in all;
Upon the strong and loving arms of Jesus
My soul shall rest, and never, never fail.