Scripture Verse

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. Isaiah 6:3


Johan O. Wallin (1779–1839)

Words: Jo­han O. Wall­in, 1811 (Vi lo­va dig, o store Gud). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Charles W. Stork (1881–1971).

Music: Ter Sanc­tus Ros­tock­er­hand­bok­en, 1529 (🔊 pdf nwc).


We wor­ship Thee, al­migh­ty Lord,
Our hearts re­vere Thy gra­cious Word
When it goes forth from Heav’n o’er all the earth.
Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly art Thou, O God!

Upon a mount­ain build­ed high,
Thy Church doth in Thy strength re­ly,
And stand­eth sure while earth and time en­dure.
Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly art Thou, O God!

Through her shall ev­ery land pro­claim
The sac­red might of Je­sus’ name,
And all re­joice with Chris­tian heart and voice.
Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly art Thou, O God!

All na­tions to Thy throne shall throng
And raise on high the vic­to­ry song,
While che­ru­bim re­ply to se­ra­phim,
Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly art Thou, O God!