Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14
Words: Author unknown (Hoor, wat heer lijk lied der eng’len). This song was copyrighted by Paul H. Wezeman in 1906. Translated from Dutch to English by Henry Beets (1869–1947).
Music: Composer unknown (🔊
If you know the original author or composer, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Hear what glorious song of angels
Is now ringing through the air;
Never valley, never mountain
Heard an anthem half so fair.
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Is the jubilant refrain;
God is sending us a Savior,
Peace on earth, good will to man.
Messengers of God’s free mercy
Are now seen by human eye;
Shepherds hear the wondrous message:
Glory be to God on high.
Let us also sing the praises
Of our God so full of love,
Who on Christmas sent a Savior,
Sent a Savior from above.