Scripture Verse

Bethlehem Ephrathah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. Micah 5:2


Words: Lu­el­la Clark, in The Pearl; A Col­lect­ion of Songs, Hymns, Chants, An­thems and Con­cert Piec­es, for the Sab­bath School, by J. M. Kief­fer (Cleve­land, Ohio: S. Brain­ard & Sons, 1871), num­ber 46.

Music: Lu­el­la (Ro­gers) Will­iam T. Ro­gers (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Clark or Ro­gers (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Christ­mas bells are ring­ing loud and clear;
All lips drop smiles—all voic­es wake to cheer;
Kind wish­es ga­ther, thick as bees in May,
To greet the op­en­ing of this per­fumed day,
To greet the op­en­ing of this per­fumed day.

Best day of all, the day of Christ our king—
What praise to Thy per­fec­tions could we bring?
To each, to all, on this aus­pi­cious morn,
New joys are giv­en, and bright­er hopes are born,
New joys are giv­en, and bright­er hopes are born.

All fears are lost, nor tears can long­er flow;
Sighs mount to song, and griefs to glad­ness grow;
The rude are gen­tle on this hal­lowed day;
The mur­mur­ing put their dis­con­tent away,
The mur­mur­ing put their dis­con­tent away.

For once, in fair Ju­dea, Christ was born;
Song and thanks­giv­ing crowned the bless­èd morn;
And since His star the won­der­ing shep­herds saw,
Christ’s Gos­pel rules the world, and love is law,
Christ’s Gos­pel rules the world, and love is law.

So on this day our pur­est pray­ers as­cend;
The hea­vens in rich­est be­ne­dic­tions bend,
With thee, O bless­èd day, all sor­rows cease;
With joy we greet thee, day of grace and peace,
With joy we greet thee, day of grace and peace.