Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Anna Deming, in Augsburg Songs No. 2 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lutheran Publication Society, 1893), number 140.
Music: Field Club Benjamin S. Dise, 1893 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Deming or Dise (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Softly, softly, thro’ the midnight,
Let the bells their message ring,
All the air is hushed and silent,
’Tis the birth night of the King.
In a manger poor and lowly,
Was the Christ Child’s cradle nest;
He, the ruler, Lord, and Savior,
In no royal robe was dressed.
Only Bethl’hem’s shepherds watching
By their flocks upon the hill,
Heard the hosts of angels singing,
Peace on earth, to men good will.
Strange the silent world could slumber,
Strange that city, quaint and still,
Felt no deeper pulse awaken,
Felt no higher, holier thrill!
And the busy throng moved onward,
Knowing not and heeding less;
Now the world kneels, trusting, prayerful,
Knowing that He came to bless;
Gladly, gladly, through the stillness,
Let the joyful message ring;
He hath loved us, He hath saved us,
He thro’ endless time is King.