Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Sanford F. Bennett, in The Signet Ring, by Joseph Webster (Chicago, Illinois: Lyon & Healy, 1868), pages 80–81.
Music: Minnetonka Joseph P. Webster, 1868 (🔊
The bells ring out, this Christmas morn,
From every steeple high,
To greet the day when Christ was born,
In humble couch to lie.
Long years ago this very day
The blessèd Savior came,
To show on earth redemption’s way,
And wash away our blame.
Then blessèd be the Christmas time,
Whose bounties all may share!
It celebrates the love divine,
That had our souls in care.
That we lose not the gracious gift,
That Christmas morning bore,
Our joyful voices let us lift,
To praise and to adore.