Scripture Verse

Good tidings of great joy. Luke 2:10


Words: A. L. Han­nah, in Hym­nal for Pri­ma­ry Class­es, com­piled by Ed­win W. Rice (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Am­eri­can Sun­day School Un­ion, 1896), num­ber 140, alt.

Music: Sal­ve Do­mi­ne Law­rence W. Wat­son, 1909 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Han­nah’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Lawrence W. Watson (1860–1925)



List to the bells of Christ­mas!
What is the news they ring?
List to the child­ren’s an­them!
What are the words they sing?
This is the bells’ glad mes­sage,
This is the child­ren’s song:
Lo! in the Beth­le­hem vil­lage
Jesus, the Lord, is born.

Joy to the world! the bells chime;
Good will, the child­ren sing;
Jesus is born, our Sav­ior,
Our Lord, Re­deem­er, King.
He who came down from Hea­ven,
Dying that we might live,
He who His dear self gave us,
Teaching us how to give.

This is the bells’ glad mes­sage,
This is the child­ren’s song,
Echoing through the ag­es
On each glad Christ­mas morn!
Joy to the world! the bells chime;
Good will, the child­ren sing;
Jesus is born, our Sav­ior,
The Christ, Re­deem­er, King.