Where is He that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him.
Matthew 2:2
Words: Julia H. Johnston, in Bible Study Songs, edited by Bertha F. Vella & Daniel B. Towner (Boston, Massachusetts: Pilgrim Press, 1899), page 127.
Music: B. T Worden (🔊
If you know Worden’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Long ago, in Bethlehem’s manger,
Christ was born, the Savior King;
Angel voices shout the welcome,
Hark, the glad hosannas ring.
In the East, a star appearing,
Herald of His wondrous birth,
Shed its beams of light and glory,
O’er the sinning, sorrowing earth;
Shed its beams of light and glory,
O’er the sinning, sorrowing earth.
By its clear and radiant shining,
Wise men from the East were led;
Where is He, the Heav’n born Ruler?
they said.
We have seen His star,
Herod’s heart was deeply troubled,
But the wise men from afar,
Found the lowly Bethlehem cradle,
Guided by the wondrous star;
Found the lowly Bethlehem cradle,
Guided by the wondrous star.
With no shining star to guide me,
I can find my Savior King;
He is near, and He is waiting,
Willing gifts a child may bring.
Lord of life and King of glory,
Christ a little child was born;
Tell again the Christmas story,
Bring Him gifts on Christmas morn;
Tell again the Christmas story,
Bring Him gifts on Christmas morn.