Scripture Verse

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21


Words: Anne Steele, Po­ems on Sub­jects Chief­ly De­vo­tion­al 1760.

Music: Farn­ham (Ma­son) Lo­well Ma­son, Car­mi­na Sac­ra 1841 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Steele (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Ye glit­ter­ing toys of earth, adieu,
A nob­ler choice be mine;
A re­gal prize at­tracts my view,
A trea­sure all di­vine;
Begone un­worthy of my cares,
Ye spa­cious baits of sense;
Inestimable worth ap­pears
The pearl of price im­mense.

Jesus, to mul­ti­tudes un­known—
O name di­vine­ly sweet!
Jesus, in Thee, in Thee alone,
Wealth, hon­or, plea­sure meet!
Should both the In­dies at my call
Their boast­ed stores re­sign:
With joy I would re­nounce them all,
For leave to call Thee mine.

Should earth’s vain trea­sures all de­part,
Of this dear gift pos­sess­ed,
I’d clasp it to my joy­ful heart,
And be for­ev­er blest:
Dear So­ver­eign of my soul’s de­sire,
Thy love is bliss di­vine!
Accept the wish that love in­spires,
And bid me call Thee mine.