Scripture Verse

How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Psalm 82:2


Benjamin H. Kennedy

Words: Ben­ja­min H. Ken­ne­dy, The Psal­ter (Camb­ridge, Eng­land: Deigh­ton, Bell, 1876), pag­es 132–33.

Music: Ab­bots­ford Ca­tho­lische geist­liche Ge­sänge (An­der­nach, Ger­ma­ny: 1608) (🔊 pdf nwc).


Ye judg­es of the earth, be still,
While God de­clares His right­eous will:
“How long in your un­eq­ual scale
Shall jus­tice lose, and wrong pre­vail?

“Let law the or­phan’s claim se­cure:
List to the friend­less and the poor:
Protect the weak, as­sert their right,
And save them from the op­press­or’s spite.

“Alas, ye nei­ther know nor mark;
Reckless ye wan­der in the dark,
While earth the dire con­fu­sion feels,
And on its deep foun­da­tion reels.

Gods ye were named: all lands in you
The child­ren of the High­est knew:
But death your frail­ty shall be­tray,
And blend your forms with vul­gar clay.

Rise, high-throned God, to ven­geance rise;
Redeem the wronged, the proud chas­tise;
Rule ev­ery realm by right di­vine:
For all the realms of earth are Thine.