Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.
Psalm 100:1
Words: Ulrik V. Koren, 1874 (Al Verden nu raabe for Herren med Fryd). Translated from Norwegian to English by Harriet R. Spaeth, 1899, alt.
Music: Guds Menighed, Syng Erik C. Hoff, circa 1860 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Spaeth (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), or a better one of Koren, would you send us an e-mail?
Ye lands, to the Lord make a jubilant noise;
Glory be to God!
Oh, serve Him with joy,
In His presence now rejoice;
Sing praise unto God out of Zion!
Not we, but the Lord is our maker, our God;
Glory be to God!
His people we are,
And the sheep led by His rod;
Sing praise unto God out of Zion!
Oh, enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise;
Glory be to God!
To bless Him and thank Him
Our voices we will raise;
Sing praise unto God out of Zion!
For good is the Lord, and His mercy is sure;
Glory be to God!
To all generations
His truth shall endure;
Sing praise unto God out of Zion!