Scripture Verse

He will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:7


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Gos­pel Hymns and Sac­red Songs, by Phi­lip P. Bliss & Ira D. San­key (New York: Big­low & Main, 1875), num­ber 95. Some hym­nals give the au­thor as Grace J. Fran­ces, one of Fan­ny’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Hu­bert P. Main (🔊 pdf nwc).

Hubert P. Main (1839–1925)


Oh come to the Sav­ior,
Believe in His name,
And ask Him your heart to re­new;
He waits to be gra­cious,
O turn not away,
For now there is par­don for you.


Yes, there is par­don for you,
Yes, there is par­don for you;
For Je­sus has died to re­deem you,
And of­fers full par­don to you.

The way of trans­gress­ion
That leads un­to death,
Oh, why will you long­er pur­sue?
How can you re­ject
The sweet mes­sage of love
That of­fers full par­don for you?


Be warned of your dan­ger;
Escape to the cross;
Your on­ly sal­va­tion is there;
Believe, and that mo­ment
The Spir­it of grace
Will an­swer your pe­ni­tent pray­er.
