Scripture Verse

The righteous [shall] shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Matthew 13:43


Melvin E. Trotter (1870–1940)

Words: Mel­vin E. Trot­ter, 1904.

Music: Har­ry Mon­roe, ar­ranged by Pe­ter P. Bil­horn (🔊 pdf nwc).

Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)


If you’ll give your heart to Je­sus,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun;
If you’ll give your heart to Je­sus,
You will out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.

If you’ll do as Je­sus bids you,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun;
If you’ll do as Je­sus bids you,
You will out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.

If you’ll win a soul for Je­sus,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun;
If you’ll win a soul for Je­sus,
You will out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.

If the Spir­it dwells with­in you,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun;
If the Spir­it dwells within you,
You will out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.

If you’ll on­ly stop your growl­ing,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun;
If you’ll only stop your growl­ing,
You will out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.

If you’ll only stop your scowl­ing,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun;
If you’ll only stop your scowl­ing,
You will out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.

If you’ll fol­low in His foot­steps,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun;
If you’ll fol­low in His foot­steps,
You will out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.

If you’ll free­ly give to Je­sus,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun,
You will out­shine the sun;
If you’ll free­ly give to Je­sus,
You will out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.

I will meet you in the morn­ing,
When we’ll out­shine the sun,
When we’ll out­shine the sun,
When we’ll out­shine the sun;
I will meet you in the morn­ing,
When we’ll out­shine the sun,
And walk the gold­en streets on high.