Scripture Verse

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Philippians 2:5–6


Words: Scot­tish Pa­ra­phras­es, 1781.

Music: Bed­ford Will­iam Wheale, 1729 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Wheale (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Ye who the name of Je­sus bear,
His sac­red steps pur­sue;
And let that mind which was in Him
Be al­so found in you.

Though in the form of God He was,
His on­ly Son de­clared,
Nor to be equal­ly ad­ored
As rob­be­ry did re­gard;

His great­ness He for us abased,
For us His glo­ry veiled;
In hu­man like­ness dwelt on earth,
His ma­jes­ty con­cealed:

Nor on­ly as a man ap­pears,
But stoops a ser­vant low;
Submits to death, nay, bears the cross,
In all its shame and woe.

Hence God this ge­ne­rous love to men
With hon­ors just hath crowned,
And raised the name of Je­sus far
Above all names re­nowned:

That at this name, with sac­red awe,
Each hum­ble knee should bow
Of hosts im­mor­tal in the skies,
And na­tions spread be­low:

That all the pros­trate pow­ers of hell
Might trem­ble at His Word,
And ev­ery tribe, and ev­ery tongue,
Confess that He is Lord.