Scripture Verse

Let the children of Zion be joyful in their king. Psalm 149:2


Benjamin H. Kennedy (1804–1889)

Words: Ben­ja­min H. Ken­ne­dy, Hym­no­lo­gia Chris­ti­ana 1863.

Music: Sey­mour, from the op­era Ob­er­on, by Carl M. von We­ber, 1826. Hen­ry W. Great­or­ex published it as a hymn tune in 1851 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Carl M. von Weber (1786–1826)


Zion, at thy shining gates
Lo! the King of glo­ry waits;
Haste thy monarch’s pomp to greet,
Strew thy palms before His feet.

Christ, for Thee their triple light
Faith and Hope and Love unite;
This the beacon we display,
To pro­claim Thine advent day.

Come, and give us peace within;
Loose us from the bands of sin;
Take away the galling weight
Laid on us by Satan’s hate;

Give us grace Thy yoke to wear;
Give us strength Thy cross to bear;
Make us Thine in deed and word,
Thine in heart and life, O Lord.

Kill in us the carnal root,
That the Spir­it may bear fruit;
Plant in us Thy lowly mind;
Keep us faithful, loving, kind.

So, when Thou shalt come again,
Judge of angels and of men,
We, with all Thy saints shall sing
Hallelujahs to our king.