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Herman Henry Maurice Brueckner


Herman Brückner


Born: March 11, 1866, Grun­dy Coun­ty, Io­wa (birth name: Her­man Hein­rich Mo­ritz Brueck­ner).

Died: Jan­ua­ry 25, 1942, He­bron, Ne­bras­ka (fun­er­al held in Bea­trice, Ne­bras­ka).

Buried: St. Paul’s Lu­ther­an Ce­me­te­ry, Wa­ver­ly, Io­wa.



Herman was the son of Her­man Brueck­ner and So­phia Grann­stodt. He mar­ried twice, to El­ea­nore Chris­tine Schnei­der (1889) and Do­ro­thea Lou­ise Emi­lie Staehl­ing (1922)

Ordained in 1888, he served pas­tor­ates in Il­li­nois, Mi­chi­gan, Ken­tuc­ky, and Wis­con­sin.

He lat­er moved to Io­wa Ci­ty, Io­wa, and re­ceived his Ba­che­lor of Arts de­gree from Io­wa State Uni­ver­si­ty in 1917. In 1926, he joined the fa­cul­ty of Heb­ron Col­lege in Ne­bras­ka.

In 1938, Wart­burg Se­mi­na­ry, Du­buque, Io­wa, con­ferred an hon­or­ary Do­ctor of Di­vi­ni­ty de­gree on him. He re­tired as pro­fes­sor eme­ri­tus from Heb­ron College in 1941.




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