We will rejoice in Thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners.
Psalm 20:4–6
Words: Kauko V. Tamminen (1882–1946). Translated to English by Hermann H. M. Brueckner in the American Lutheran Hymnal, edited by Emmanuel Poppen (Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern, 1930), number 98.
Music: Dir, Dir, Jehovah published anonymously in the Musikalisches Handbuch, by Georg Wittwe (Hamburg, Germany: 1690). Adapted in the Neues geistreiches Gesangbuch, by Johann A. Freylinghausen (Halle, Germany: 1704) (🔊
If you know the original Finnish title of this hymn, or where to get a better photo of Tamminen, would you send us an e-mail?
Lift up the banner of salvation,
That white and blood-dyed banner of the cross.
Proclaim it wide to every nation:
There is redemption from our dreaded loss;
The Lamb of God upon the cross was slain
That man the promised crown of life might gain.
Raise high that banner for each nation,
Let every eye behold the Crucified,
Whom God before the world’s foundation
Had as a ransom for us set aside.
Do not this truth from anyone withhold;
To all the message of the cross be told.
Lift up the banner, tell the story:
With Jesus’ blood thou, too, wast dearly bought;
Behold, the mighty Lord of glory
Complete salvation for us all hath wrought.
Poor, weeping soul, be happy and rejoice
And praise the Lamb of God with gladsome voice.
Then let no other news be spoken,
Let everyone the Master’s Word repeat.
Why should a man, with promise broken,
Proclaim the wisdom of his own conceit?
For such a one will nevermore be blest,
Since God’s displeasure must upon him rest.
Regard us from Thy habitation,
For we are erring, blind and poor, O Lord.
That wisdom which is our salvation
Remains alone with Thine unerring Word,
And even this we cannot comprehend
If Thou wilt not Thy Spirit’s brightness lend.