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Alfred Stace Dyer



Born: Au­gust 14, 1849, Kings­thorpe, North­amp­ton, Eng­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 20, 1926, Mount Plea­sant, Al­ding­ton, Kent, Eng­land.


Alfred was the son of gar­den­er John Dy­er and Eli­za­beth Jones.

A Quak­er and mem­ber of the An­glo-Ori­ent­al So­ci­ety for the Sup­pres­sion of the Op­ium Trade, he is re­mem­bered as a mor­al re­form­er. In 1880, he, Quak­er bank­er George Gi­llet, and Ben­ja­min Scott, Cham­ber­lain of the Ci­ty of Lon­don, formed the Lon­don Com­mit­tee for the Ex­po­sure of and Sup­pres­sion of the Traf­fic in Eng­lish, Scotch and Ir­ish Girls for the Pur­pos­es of Pros­ti­tu­tion. In 1881, he found­ed and be­gan ed­it­ing the Sen­ti­nel, a pu­ri­ty jour­nal.




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