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Alice Rosetha Smith Fisher



Born: No­vem­ber 21, 1854, Frank­en­trost, Mi­chi­gan.

Died: May 17, 1927, An­der­son, In­di­ana.

Buried: Mount Rest Ce­me­te­ry, Saint Johns, Mi­chi­gan.



Alice was the daugh­ter of Pe­ter J. Smith and Han­nah Boggs. She mar­ried twice, to Jo­seph Fish­er (July 6, 1868, Che­sa­ning, Mi­chi­gan), and Ad­en L. Al­len (Oc­to­ber 28, 1909, Che­sa­ning, Mi­chi­gan).

An ex­cerpt from her au­to­bio­gra­phy, pag­es 28–29: One ev­en­ing as I was sit­ting I had been writ­ing and the Lord said to me, This is your vi­sion, and at once it be­gan to come to me in verse. This is what I wrote:


My Dream

I had a dream, a fearful sight,
Was spread before me in the night;
And while within that awful hour,
I there beheld God’s mighty power.

The earth it shook and houses fell,
And all around it seemed that hell
Had opened wide her awful mouth (Isa. 5:14)
To swallow all from North to South.

The thunder rolled, the earth did quake
And hills and Mountains both did shake,
I saw them reel and tumble in (2 Pet. 3:10)
And naught was left but smoke and din.

While gazing on this awful scene
I felt so calm and quite serene;
Although alone I seemed to be
I knew that God would care for me.

Upon a rock I seemed to stand,
While all around was sinking sand;
The rock was firm, for ages past
Had stood secure through storm and blast.

It seemed the final end had come,
And all around had now begun
To melt and boil with fervent heat,
Except the rock beneath my feet.

And on that rock my feet were firm,
I stood secure from all alarm;
I did not tremble at the sight
But felt while there that all was right.

And now this dream to understand,
You must with Christ join heart and hand,
He who the narrow way has trod,
For who is a rock? Save our God? (Psa.18:31)

Alone with Christ we all must be,
And kept by him in Purity,
Though friends forsake and prove untrue,
The Lord will keep and love you too. (Deut. 31:6)

Allie Fisher (1854–1927)


