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Salomo Franck



Born: March 6, 1659, Wei­mar, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Ju­ly 11, 1725, Wei­mar, Ger­ma­ny.

Buried: Ja­cobs­fried­hof, Wei­mar, Ger­ma­ny.


Salomo was the son of Ja­kob Franck, fi­nan­cial sec­re­ta­ry at Wei­mar.

He prob­ab­ly stu­died at Je­na, and seems there­af­ter to have held some ap­point­ment at Zwic­kau.

In 1689 he be­came sec­re­ta­ry of the Schwarz­burg du­cal ad­min­is­tr­ation at Arn­stadt, and in 1697 of the Sax­on ad­min­is­tra­tion and of the con­sis­to­ry at Je­na.

In 1702, he was ap­point­ed sec­re­ta­ry of the con­sis­to­ry, li­bra­ri­an, and cu­rat­or of the du­cal col­lect­ion of coins and me­dals at Wei­mar.

He was a mem­ber of the Fruit­bear­ing So­ci­ety, and wrote a con­sid­er­able num­ber of se­cu­lar po­ems. A di­li­gent work­er, he bore sev­ere fa­mi­ly af­flict­ions; me­di­ta­tions on death are in ma­ny of his hymns.


He wrote about 330 hymns, and:



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Franck (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?