



Hubbard des­cend­ed from an old New York fa­mi­ly that in­clud­ed Ol­iv­er Wen­dell Holmes and Wen­dell Phil­lips, who were close­ly re­lat­ed to her fa­ther. Al­lud­ing to her li­ter­ary rel­a­tives, she wrote, Sure­ly I should not feel elat­ed ov­er my lit­tle gift of po­e­sy, when it is such a ti­ny ri­vu­let, is­su­ing from the great moun­tain stream of my for­bears.

Her mo­ther died when she was nine years old, and she went to school in Paw­tuck­et, Rhode Is­land.

At age 18, she en­tered a Phi­la­del­phia pub­lish­ing of­fice as a proof­read­er, and her first ar­ti­cles were print­ed un­der a pseu­do­nym.

One of her prose ar­ti­cles, Hu­man Life, pub­lished in The Lu­ther­an, at­tract­ed much at­ten­tion, which gave her, while hid­ing be­hind her nom de plume, much plea­sure.

Her first hymn writ­ing was done for an El­gin, Il­li­nois pub­lish­er, and for oth­er com­pil­ers, around 1895. The great­est hap­pi­ness I ev­er ex­pe­ri­enced was when I was able for ac­tive Chris­tian work—now, as my trea­cher­ous heart makes me have to be so care­ful, I ne­ver wrote a thing that touched oth­er hearts, un­less my own was touched by the Ho­ly Spi­rit.

Copyright re­cords show her in Schwenks­ville, Penn­syl­van­ia, in 1914.



The Inner Voice

I heard a voice, a holy voice,
And thus it spoke to me,
I will thy right hand firmly hold,
For I’ve redeemèd thee;
Fear not My child, I know thy name,
’Tis written up above;
I surely will remember thee
With everlasting love.

I heard a voice, a loving voice,
And thus it spoke to me,
Go find the weary ones of earth,
A message give for Me;
Tell them, I bid the weary rest,
The wandering ones to come;
The shelter of their Savior’s breast
Is peace, and love, and home.

I heard a voice, my Savior’s voice,
Go work today for Me,
I spent a weary, toilsome life,
And suffered death for thee;
And canst thou sit, and take thine ease,
When souls each day are lost?
Oh show the love thou hast for Me!
Go, work at any cost.

Marian Wendell Hubbard
The Inner Voice, 1904



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