Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
Revelation 2:10
Words: Marian W. Hubbard, 1904.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Hubbard, would you send us an e-mail?
Someone has turned from the Lord away;
Someone has gone from the fold astray;
Someone is treading the downward way—
Lord is it I? Lord, is it I?
Lord is it I? O the thought, like a dart,
Pierces the innermost depths of the heart!
If there is one who in Thee hath no part,
Lord is it I? Lord, is it I?
Someone is grieving the Savior’s love,
Wounding the heart of the Holy Dove,
Strangely forgetting his God above—
Lord is it I? Lord, is it I?
Someone is out where the breakers roll;
Someone is near to the treacherous shoal;
Someone will lose His immortal soul—
Lord is it I? Lord, is it I?
Someone will enter eternal rest;
Someone will lean on the Savior’s breast;
Someone will dwell in the mansions blest—
Lord is it I? Lord, is it I?