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Augustus Nelson



Born: Sep­tem­ber 20, 1863, Swe­den.

Died: June 18, 1949, Man­ka­to, Min­ne­so­ta.

Buried: First Lu­ther­an Ce­me­te­ry, Grove Ci­ty, Min­ne­so­ta.


Augustus was the hus­band of Em­ma Redlund (mar­ried 1849)

Emigrating to Am­eri­ca in 1883, he ini­tial­ly worked as a farm la­bor­er.

He earned a de­gree from Gus­ta­vus Adol­phus Col­lege, St. Pe­ter, Min­ne­so­ta, in 1890, did gra­du­ate work at Yale Uni­ver­si­ty, gra­du­at­ed from Au­gus­ta­na Se­mi­na­ry, and was or­dained in 1898.

He served as a Lu­ther­an min­is­ter in Es­ca­na­ba, Mi­chi­gan; Wau­ke­gan, Il­li­nois; New Ha­ven, Con­nec­ti­cut; Ma­nis­tique and Thomp­son, Mi­chi­gan; and Clear Lake and Gib­bon, Min­ne­so­ta.

He served on the board of Upp­sa­la Col­lege (now closed), East Or­ange, New Jer­sey (1904–06); as sec­re­ta­ry of the Su­pe­ri­or Con­fer­ence of the Au­gus­ta­na Sy­nod for nine years; and on the board of edu­ca­tion (1922–24).



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Nel­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?