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Roland Rudolph Porter


Rue Porter


Born: Ap­ril 4, 1890, near Green For­est, Ar­kan­sas.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 25, 1967, in a rest home near Jop­lin, Mis­sou­ri.

Buried: Ha­zel­green Ce­me­te­ry, Boul­der Ci­ty, Mis­sou­ri.



Rue was the son of Belle F. Por­ter, and hus­band of Nan­cy A. Tho­ma­son.

He preached his first ser­mon in 1911 near Har­ris­on, Ar­kan­sas, the be­gin­ning of a long ca­reer in at least 30 Am­eri­can states. He is said to have bap­tized about 10,000 peo­ple ov­er six de­cades, in­clud­ing his own fa­mi­ly.

Most of his preach­ing was in meet­ings, but he did some lo­cal work in Bris­tow, Ok­la­ho­ma (1919–28), and helped plant church­es through­out north­east Ok­la­ho­ma.

In 1931, Por­ter moved to Neo­sho, Mis­sou­ri, liv­ing there the rest of his life.

Porter was ac­tive in ra­dio broad­cast­ing, preach­ing on ov­er 50 sta­tions through­out Am­eri­ca.

He wrote a num­ber of books and tracts, ar­ti­cles for sev­er­al dif­fer­ent news­pa­pers, and ed­it­ed The Chris­tian Wor­ker of Wi­chi­ta, Kan­sas, for sev­er­al years, start­ing in Se­ptem­ber 1955.


