

Born: Jan­ua­ry 12, 1873, Ox­ford, Ala­ba­ma.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 21, 1936, Glen Rose, Tex­as.

Buried: Mount Plea­sant Ce­me­te­ry, Tol­ar, Texas.



Andrew was the son of Daniel James Robertson and Susiana A. Glasgow, and husband of Minnie Bell Whitaker.

An au­thor, com­pos­er and teach­er, he was edu­cat­ed in the com­mon schools of Ala­ba­ma, and at John Tar­le­ton Col­lege (now Tar­le­ton State Uni­ver­si­ty), Ste­phen­ville, Tex­as.

He at­tend­ed his first sing­ing school at age 17, and af­ter a se­cond term be­gan lead­ing. After at­tend­ing a 30-day ses­sion un­der one of the pu­pils of the South­ern Nor­mal Mu­sic­al In­sti­tute (SNMI), he be­gan teach­ing sing­ing schools.

He moved to Tex­as in 1893, and in 1895 at­tend­ed two ses­sions of the SNMI at Co­man­che, Tex­as, and one ses­sion un­der John S. Hen­dricks. He re­ceived a di­plo­ma from the SNMI at the close of the 40-day ses­sion at Mid­lo­thi­an, Tex­as, in 1897. He took a post-gra­du­ate course in 1901 at Child­ress and Al­ford, Texas, and in 1902 as­sist­ed in a ses­sion of the SNMI at Ste­phen­ville, Tex­as.

Copyright re­cords show Ro­bert­son in To­lar, Tex­as, in 1911.





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