Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


Andrew J. Robertson (1873–1936)

Words: Jen­nie Wil­son, 1901.

Music: An­drew J. Ro­bert­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter photo of Ro­bert­son,

Jennie Wilson (1856–1913)


’Neath the sac­red Gos­pel ban­ner
With the Sav­ior for our guide,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day;
Trusting in our ho­ly lead­er
Thro’ what­ev­er may be­tide,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day.


We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day;
Gathering from ev­ery na­tion,
’Neath the ban­ner of sal­va­tion,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day.

Climbing rug­ged steeps be­fore us,
Led in ways we do not know,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day;
Passing oft thro’ plea­sant val­leys
Where re­fresh­ing wa­ters flow,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day.


Overcoming earth’s temp­ta­tions,
Joys en­dur­ing to ob­tain,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day;
Seeking Hea­ven’s shin­ing ci­ty,
Life eter­nal there to gain,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day.


To be rea­dy for the ban­quet
At the mar­riage of the Lamb,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day;
With the com­pa­ny of pure ones
To unite in vic­to­ry’s psalm,
We are march­ing on to glo­ry day by day.
