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Johann Christoph Rube



Born: No­vem­ber 20, 1665, Hoh­en-und Thal-Eb­ra (near Son­ders­hau­sen), Thu­rin­gia.

Died: May 30, 1746, Bat­ten­berg, Hesse-Darm­stadt.


Rube was the son of the pas­tor at Hoh­en-und Thal-Eb­ra.

After com­plet­ing his stu­dies in law and be­com­ing a li­cen­ti­ate, Rube was ap­point­ed judge (Amt­mann) at Burg­ge­münd­en (near Als­feld), and then, about 1704, at Bat­ten­berg.

He was a ve­ry pro­li­fic hymn writ­er: The Uni­vers­al Ge­sang-Buch, pub­lished in five vol­umes (Hom­burg: 1738–44), had 536 ti­tles by Rube. The ear­li­est ap­peared in Lup­pi­us’ An­däch­tig Sing­end­er Christ­en-Mund (We­sel, 1692), and the Geist­reich­es Ge­sang-Buch.



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