

Born: 1829, New York. She is said to have been from Mount Mor­ris.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 8, 1887, Cres­co, Io­wa.

Buried: Oak Lawn Ce­me­te­ry, Cres­co, Io­wa.


The 1880 cen­sus lists Ca­ro­line, age 51, and her hus­band Joseph in La Porte, In­di­ana. This age would give her a com­put­ed birth year of 1829.

However, her obi­tu­ary in the Iowa Plain Deal­er, Jan­ua­ry 13, 1887, gave her age as 55, which would yield a birth year of 1832. Re­search in New York, her re­port­ed birth place, is re­quired to re­solve the dis­cre­pan­cy.

Smith re­ports more than 400 of Shack­lock’s songs were pub­lished.



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