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Scripture Verse

O Lord God…I pray Thee, send me good speed this day. Genesis 24:12


Words: Ca­ro­line L. Shack­lock (1829–1887). Ap­peared in The Chris­tian Church Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by Har­vey R. Chris­tie (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Stand­ard Pub­lish­ing, 1906), num­ber 337.

Music: Za­re­phath E. Hanks (🔊 ).

If you know Hanks’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Shack­lock, would you send us an e-mail?


They go to preach the bless­èd word,
The army of the gracious Lord;
Against the hosts of death and sin,
A war to wage, a vic­to­ry win.


God speed them on, God speed them on
’Till fought the fight, the vic­to­ry won;
’Till truth shall spread from shore to shore,
’Till death and sin shall be no more.

They leave the homes of early years,
They triumph o’er their human fears;
As soldiers of the cross they bear
His royal banner ev­ery­where.


While on they march, in toil and pain,
Without a thought of loss or gain,
In armor clad to meet the foe,
God speed them on the way they go.
