Come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Words: Caroline L. Shacklock, in The Brethren Hymnody, edited by J. C. Ewing (Wilmington, Ohio: J. C. Ewing, 1883), number 242.
Music: Sturgis J. C. Ewing (🔊
If you know Ewing’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Shacklock, would you send us an e-mail?
Come, ye weary, heavy laden
Faint and wounded in the strife;
I will bear anew your burdens,
I will give you light and life.
Still from Heav’n the Savior pleadeth,
As of old in Galilee;
O ye weary, heavy laden,
Weak and wounded, come to Me.
Are you vanquished in the conflict
With the myriad hosts of sin?
I have borne the heat of battle,
That the victory you might win.
Does the way seem long and dreary
Leading to the mansions blest?
Soon, beside the living waters,
Ye shall find the promised rest.
Learn of Me, for I am lowly;
Follow in the path I trod;
For it leads to joy immortal,
In the city of our God.