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George William Sides



Born: Au­gust 29, 1880, Plea­sant Grove, Walk­er Coun­ty, Ala­ba­ma.

Died: No­vem­ber 3, 1956.

Buried: New Hope Ce­me­te­ry, Hat­ley, Mis­sis­sip­pi.


George was the son of Will­iam La­fay­ette Sides and Mar­tha Eli­za­beth Staggs, and hus­band of Al­ice Pearl Ray (mar­ried Oc­to­ber 13, 1910).

One of his first jobs was in the coal mines in Car­bon Hill, Mis­sis­sip­pi. By around 1910, he was teach­ing mu­sic in Plea­sant Grove.

In 1912, Sides and his fa­mi­ly moved to the ar­ea of Hat­ley, Mis­sis­sip­pi. He op­erat­ed a farm. but was al­so as­so­ci­at­ed with the Stanley-Gardner Com­pa­ny Gos­pel mu­sic pub­lish­er in Sal­til­lo, Mis­sis­sip­pi.

In 1929, the Sides moved once again, to a farm in the Pet­tit com­mu­ni­ty near Green­ville, Mis­sis­sip­pi.

Sides lat­er served three terms as a jus­tice of the peace.




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