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Philip Sidney




Born: November 29/30, 1554, Pens­hurst Place, Kent, Eng­land.

Died: October 17, 1586, Zut­phen, Gel­der­land, Ne­ther­lands, of wounds re­ceived in the Bat­tle of Zut­phen (Sep­tem­ber 22, 1586). An epi­taph of Sid­ney read Eng­land has his bo­dy, for she it fed; Ne­ther­lands his blood, in her de­fence shed; The Heav­ens have his soul, The Arts have his fame, The sol­dier his grief, The world his good name.

Buried: Old St. Paul’s Ca­thed­ral, Lon­don, Eng­land (church was de­stroyed in the Great Fire of Lon­don in 1666).


Philip was the son of Sir Hen­ry Sid­ney and La­dy Ma­ry Dud­ley, and hus­band of Fran­ces Wal­sing­ham, and bro­ther of Ma­ry Sid­ney, Coun­tess of Pem­broke (1550–1621). Phil­ip was knight­ed in 1583.

About Phil­ip and Ma­ry, John Ju­li­an wrote:

This il­lus­tri­ous pair claim no­tice in this work [Ju­li­an’s Dic­tion­ary of Hym­no­lo­gy] from their ver­si­fi­ca­tion of the Psalms. These are fre­quent­ly no­ticed by con­tem­po­ra­ries, me­mo­ra­bly by Dean Donne (Po­ems, vol. ii, pp. 313–15 in Full­er Wor­thies’ Lib­ra­ry); but they were not print­ed un­til 1823, as fol­lows:–

The Psalms of David, Trans­lat­ed in­to Di­vers and Sun­dry Kinds of Verse, More rare and Ex­cel­lent For the Me­thod and Va­ri­etie Than any yet hath been done in Eng­lish. Be­gun by The no­ble and learn­ed gent, Sir Phil­ip Sid­ney Knt., and fin­ished by The Right Hon­or­able The Coun­tess of Pem­broke, his Sis­ter. Now print­ed from A Co­py of the Orig­in­al Ma­nu­script, Tran­scribed by John Davies, of Here­ford, in the reign of James the First.

This MS of John Da­vies…has many bad read­ings and gra­tui­tous obs­cu­ri­ties. A more ac­cu­rate text is pre­served in the Bod­lei­an (Raw­lin­son, Po­et. 25), writ­ten by Dr. Sam­uel Wood­ford, hav­ing been made under the su­per­in­ten­dence of Sir Phi­lip Si­dney him­self…who in ce­rtain plac­es has wri­tten Leave a space here for a va­ri­ant stan­za…

It was for long doubt­ed which por­tions be­longed to Sir Phil­ip and which to his sis­ter (e.g., Dr. Mac­don­ald in his An­ti­phon). But the evi­dence is mul­ti­ply­ing that to Si­dney be­long on­ly the first for­ty-three.

Julian, p. 1057

