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Clara Eastman Smith



Born: June 7, 1856, South New­bu­ry, Ver­mont.

Died: Au­gust 26, 1951.


Clara was the daugh­ter of Charles Wes­ley East­man and Eli­za­beth Chas­ti­na Ab­bott, and wife of She­ri­dan Irv­ing Smith (mar­ried 1888, Lyn­don­ville, Ver­mont).

She gra­du­at­ed from the Mon­te­bel­lo La­dies’ In­sti­tute, New­bury, Ver­mont, in 1877, and taught for a while at the Av­ery Nor­mal In­sti­tute in Charles­ton, South Ca­ro­li­na.

Smith was a lec­tur­er for the Wo­man’s Chris­tian Tem­per­ance Union (WCTU), and ed­it­ed the WCTU pub­li­ca­tion the Ver­mont Home Guards.

She al­so wrote ar­ti­cles for edu­ca­tion­al, re­form, and re­li­gious jour­nals, and oc­ca­sion­al po­ems.

She was ac­tive in mis­sion­ary, Sun­day school, church work, and the Au­dubon So­ci­ety, and ad­vo­cat­ed wo­men’s suf­frage and pro­hi­bi­tion.

As of 1916, she was liv­ing in Wells Riv­er, Ver­mont.



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