Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Psalm 51:10
Words: Clara E. Smith, in Pearls of Paradise, abridged edition, by William G. Cooper (Chicago, Illinois: Robert R. McCabe, 1891).
Music: William G. Cooper (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Smith (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), or a better one of Cooper, would you send us an e-mail?
Take my heart and let it be
Cleansed from all impurity;
Fill it then with love divine,
Make it, O my Lord, like Thine.
Lord, I give to Thee my will,
Speak the word, Oh peace, be still
There shall be no more a strife
With Thy will, O Christ, my life.
Take my heart and let it be
Cleansed from all impurity;
Fill it, too, with love divine;
Make it, O my Lord, like Thine.
Lead me, Lord, where Thou shalt choose;
Nevermore will I refuse
Thee the right to reign within,
O my Savior, from all sin.
All is on the altar laid;
And my faith on Thee is stayed;
Now, O Lord, I wait the fire,
Burning every base desire.
Now I feel the blood applied;
Let me, Christ, in Thee abide;
Walk with me from day to day;
Lead me, Savior, all the way.
Savior, this my gift to Thee;
Greater Thine, O Lord, to me—
Thy rich grace in me to dwell,
This assurance, All is well.