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Scripture Verse

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9


Andrew Skoog (1856–1934)

Words: Nils Fryk­man, 1883 (Min fram­tids­dag är ljus och lång). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by An­drew L. Skoog, 1920.

Music: Fu­ture Nils Fryk­man (🔊 ).

Nils Frykman (1842–1911)
Courtesy of Covenant
Archives & Historical Library
Chicago, Illinois


I have a fu­ture all sub­lime,
Beyond the realms of space and time,
Where my Re­deem­er I shall see,
And sor­row nev­er­more shall be.

A pre­cious he­rit­age is mine;
’Tis kept above by love di­vine;
And while I tar­ry here be­low,
He gives me what is best, I know.

O, God be praised, He planned for me;
From anx­ious care I’m spared and free;
He bids me cast on Him my care—
What then re­mains for me to bear?

Sweet peace with­in my soul doth dwell;
With joy I sing: Now all is well,
He leads me safe­ly by His hand
Until I reach the Glo­ry Land.

O pre­cious Sav­ior, teach Thou me
To live my life more true to Thee
The lit­tle while I yet must roam
Before I reach my heav’n­ly home.