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Scripture Verse

I have called you friends. John 15:15


Bernard B. Edmiaston (1881–1964)

Words: Ber­nard B. Ed­mi­as­ton, in Liv­ing Praise No. 2, ed­it­ed by Charles H. Ga­bri­el & Will­iam W. Dow­ling (St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri: Chris­tian Pub­lish­ing, 1906).

Music: Em­mett S. Dean, 1915 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Ed­mi­as­ton or Dean, would you send us an e-mail?

Emmett S. Dean (1876–1951)


I’ve a friend, a pre­cious friend in­deed,
One who hears me when for help I plead,
Fills my soul with peace, gives me sweet re­lease,
From the bur­dens hard to bear;
And I love Him more than all be­side,
For upon the rugg­ed cross He died,
Gave His life for me, that I might be free,
And His pre­sence ev­er share.

I am walk­ing with this friend each day;
Sweetest joy He gives me all the way,
Frees my soul from sin, makes me glad with­in,
Fills my life with love’s glad song;
When the storms of earth around me beat,
In His arms I find a sure re­treat,
Safe from ev­ery harm, free from all alarm,
I am weak, but He is strong.

Tho’ the foes of earth may try my soul,
He will nev­er give to them con­trol;
On Him I de­pend, for He is my friend,
This He’s prov­en o’er and o’er;
When the clouds of grief around me rise,
Jesus comes to me, a glad sur­prise;
Drives the gloom away, turns my night to day—
I shall praise Him ev­er­more.