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Ghevont Tourian


Leon Tourian


Born: Jan­ua­ry 1, 1879, Fa­tih İl­çe­si, Is­tan­bul, Tür­ki­ye.

Died: De­cem­ber 24, 1933, New York City. He was as­sas­sin­at­ed while pre­par­ing to con­duct mass at Ho­ly Cross Church.

Buried: Ho­ly Cross Ar­me­ni­an Apos­tol­ic Church, New York Ci­ty.



After at­tend­ing se­mi­na­ry in Ar­mash, Ar­me­nia, Tou­ri­an served as Vi­car Ge­ne­ral of the Or­ma­ni­an Pa­tri­arch for six years.

In 1909, he be­came Chan­cel­lor of the Pa­tri­arch­ate of Is­tan­bul.

He went to Bul­gar­ia in 1915, and ev­en­tu­al­ly be­came Pre­late of Bul­gar­ia.

In 1920, he be­came Pre­late of Smi­rna (now İz­mir), Tür­ki­ye. Flee­ing per­se­cu­tion there in 1922, he was res­cued from the sea by a Brit­ish ship which took him to Ath­ens.

He lat­er be­came Pre­late of Greece (1922), Pre­late of Eng­land (1926), and Pri­mate of the Ar­me­ni­an Church in North and South Am­eri­ca (1931).

