Scripture Verse

Holiness becometh Thine house, O Lord, for ever. Psalm 93:5


Words: Trans­lat­ed from the Ar­me­ni­an li­tur­gy by Ghe­vont Tou­ri­an (1879–1933).

Music: Tou­ri­an, Ar­me­ni­an hymn tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ghevont Tourian (1879–1933)


Holiness be­comes Thy house,
’Tis Thou who dost dwell in light;
Thou be­girt with ma­jes­ty,
Gird us with truth,
And with Thy great might.

Send Thou forth Thy pow­er and love,
In beau­ty of ho­li­ness;
We would here com­mune with Thee,
Eternal God,
Be Thou near to bless.

O su­preme and per­fect One,
O Lord, praise to Thee is due;
Clothe us in the grace of love,
Maintain Thy church,
To Thy ser­vice true.