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Scripture Verse

An anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast. Hebrews 6:19


Words & Mu­sic: Ralph S. Tins­man, in King­dom of Song, edited by Tho­mas M. Bow­dish (To­le­do, Ohio: W. W. Whit­ney, 1900), num­ber 80 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tins­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Out on the per­il­ous sea of life,
Some one is drift­ing away to­night;
Out in the dark­ness, where the storm rag­es wild,
Throw out the life-line to some mo­ther’s child.


Hold it fast while the waves roll high,
Jesus will res­cue you by and by.
Saved at last, what a joy to know,
Take hold of the life-line, and nev­er let go.

Farther and far­ther they drift each day,
Resting their oars on the ocean’s white spray,
Dreaming of plea­sure with­out al­loy.
Throw out the life-line to some mo­ther’s boy.


Quick to the res­cue while yet you may,
Succor the per­ish­ing, save one to­day;
Tell them of Je­sus who came to save.
He that be­liev­eth sal­va­tion may have.


Now I sur­ren­der my all to Him,
Jesus has res­cued and saved me from sin;
Beautiful vi­sions burst on my sight,
Glory to Je­sus, I’m saved to­night.

Holding fast while the waves roll high,
Jesus has res­cued me, this my cry.
Saved I am, what a joy to know;
I’m hold­ing the life-line, I’ll nev­er let go.