

Born: No­vem­ber 2, 1823, Sa­lem, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 10, 1901, Sa­lem, Mas­sa­chu­setts

Buried: Old South Ce­me­te­ry, Pea­bo­dy, Mas­sa­chu­setts.



Lydia was the daugh­ter of Cap­tain Jones and Ly­dia Ve­ry, and sis­ter of Jones Ve­ry (same name as fa­ther).

She is re­mem­bered as a po­et and child­ren’s book au­thor and il­lus­trat­or. She pub­lished a vol­ume of vers­es, and con­trib­ut­ed oth­er of­fer­ings to va­ri­ous Bos­ton and Sa­lem news­pa­pers.

With her sister, Fran­ces Eli­za, she taught school in Sa­lem for three de­cades.




Blest is the man, who for the poor
The light of knowledge sheds around;
Who sows broadcast the seeds of good
On barren or neglected ground.

Who raises up the ears of grain,
That worldliness hath trodden down;
And lo! they whiten all the plain!
And form the year’s bright golden crown.

Who trains the plants on Life’s highway,
That never knew a fostering hand;
And blossoms nod from every spray,
And send their fragrance o’er the land.

Who gathers up the common stones,
That lie unprized along Life’s shore;
And by his patient industry
Reveals at length the shining ore.

Blest is the man, who for the poor
The light of knowledge sheds around!
His seeds earth-sown shall
Heavenward spring,
And from his life rich fruits abound!

Lydia L. A. Very
Poems, 1856

