The star…went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.
Matthew 2:9
Words: Lydia L. A. Very (1823–1901).
Music: Darley William H. W. Darley (1801–1872) (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Darley (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Christ’s birthday! soft come floating down
The manger songs from bygone years;
Till earth’s white robe new glory wears,
And brightly in her shining crown
Each lonely star a guide appears.
A guide where many an infant lies,
Born into poverty like Him;
Where plenty’s face has never smiled,
Beneath the light of fading eyes,
Where life’s pale lamp is flickering, dim.
The manger songs! Oh, sweet the lays
Each mother’s loving lips have sung,
’Neath cottage roof and palace dome!
Like warbling birds in spring’s first days
Back to the agèd heart they come.
And softly on the listening ear
Do angel voices carol still,
Peace on the earth, good will to men
As on the wild Judean hills;
And waiting spirits breathe, Amen.
Our birthday! if we wake to life,
The life that ever moveth on,
That knows no change of time or death,
But, like a calm stream ’mid earth’s strife,
Mirrors the Heav’n it looks upon.