Friedrich Viktor Strauß



Born: Sep­tem­ber 18, 1809, Büc­ke­burg, Schaum­burg-Lip­pe (now in Low­er Sax­ony), Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Ap­ril 1, 1899, Dres­den, Ger­ma­ny.


He be­came a stu­dent of law at the Uni­ver­si­ties of Er­lang­en, Bonn, and Got­ting­en. In 1832 he married Al­ber­tine von Tor­ney, daugh­ter of a Han­no­ver­i­an land­ed pro­pri­e­tor; and, in 1872, at the re­quest of her re­lations, add­ed her name to his own (Strauss und Tor­ney), hav­ing been pre­vi­ous­ly, in 1851, raised to the Aus­tri­an no­bil­i­ty.

Having en­tered the di­plo­ma­tic ser­vice of Schaum­burg-Lippe, in 1832, he was ap­point­ed, in 1840, Ar­chiv­rath at Büc­ke­burg; and at­tend­ed the Frank­furt Diet as Ge­heim­rath, in 1850, as the ac­cred­it­ed rep­re­sent­ative of Schaum­burg-Lippe. He was al­so, from 1853 to 1866, the re­gu­lar rep­res­ent­a­tive of Schaum­burg-Lippe, at the North Ger­man Di­et.

Thereafter he re­tired on a pen­sion, and went at East­er, 1869, to Er­lang­en, where he wrote a trans­la­tion of the works of the Chi­nese phi­lo­so­pher Laò-tsè, with a com­men­ta­ry (pub­lished 1870).

In 1872 he re­moved to Dres­den. In 1889 he pub­lished the first vol. of a work on Alt­ä­gyp­tische Göt­ter­glaube (Koch, vii. 270; 0. Kraus, 1879, p. 525, &c).

Both as a se­cu­lar and as a sac­red po­et, Strauss holds high rank among his con­tem­po­rar­ies in Ger­ma­ny; not so much for po­pu­la­ri­ty, as for wealth of ideas, breadth of cul­ture, beau­ty of form, and clear, sim­ple ex­press­ion. The im­pulse which he re­ceived to the study of theo­lo­gy and to hymn writ­ing, was main­ly through the im­press­ion of ma­ni­fest un­fair­ness left up­on him by read­ing D. F. Strauss’s Le­ben Je­su, 1835. This led him to stu­dy the New Tes­ta­ment for him­self; and to find, in the old Gos­pel, the sa­tis­fac­tion of the needs of his spirit.

His hymns, while, like most mo­dern hymns, in the main sub­ject­ive, oft­en catch the ring and no­ble sim­pli­ci­ty of the old­er ob­jective class­ic­al hymns, but are more fin­i­shed in form. Ma­ny have passed in­to re­cent Ger­man hymn­books.

They ap­peared prin­ci­pal­ly in Knapp’s Chris­to­terpe, 1844–48; and in his own—(1) Gedichte, Biel­e­feld, 1841; (2) Lied­er aus der Ge­meine für das Christ­liche Kirch­en­jahr, Hamburg, 1843; and (3) Welt­lich­es und Geist­lich­es, Hei­del­berg, 1856. The hymns in No. 3 are in the se­cond part, which is sep­a­rat­ely paged, and en­ti­tled Geist­lich­es im Ge­dich­ten und Lied­ern.

The work en­ti­tled Das Kirch­en­jahr im Hause, Hei­del­berg, 1845, is a ser­ies of po­et­ic­al me­di­ta­tions, and not of hymns pro­per­ly so called.

Julian, pp. 1097–98


In ad­di­tion to the ti­tles list­ed above, he pro­duced:



Help Needed

If you know von Strauß und Tor­ney’s bu­ri­al place,