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Scripture Verse

All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:3


Words: Jean Mau­burn, Ro­se­tum Ex­er­ci­tio­rum Spir­it­ual­ium et Sac­ra­rum Me­di­ta­ti­onum, 1494 (Eia mea ani­ma, Beth­le­hem ea­mus). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by George R. Wood­ward, Songs of Sy­on, 1904; the text be­low is from Mauburn’s vers­es which be­gin Heu quid ja­ces sta­bu­lo.

Music: Ebeling Jo­hann G. Eb­el­ing, 1666 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Mau­burn, Wood­ward or Eb­el­ing (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Ah! Lord God, the world’s cre­at­or,
King of all, great or small,
Earth’s Re­gen­er­at­or;
Art Thou cra­dled, art Thou cry­ing,
Swathed and bound, on the ground,
In the sta­ble ly­ing?

“Love of man hath brought Me hi­ther,
Cords of love, from above,
To ex­alt him thi­ther;
Dead in tres­pass, child, I sought thee;
Gone as­tray, from My way,
Life and par­don brought thee.

Empty be My scrip and cof­fer,
Yet ’tis wealth, plen­ty, health,
I am come to of­fer;
Haste I to en­rich and dress thee;
Born to die, low I lie,
And would glad­ly bless thee.

Therefore thou­sand, thou­sand prais­es
Are Thy due, Babe Je­su,
These my heart up­rais­es;
Angels, mor­tals, furth­est, nigh­est,
Sing in mirth, Peace on earth,
Glory in the high­est.

Adoration of the Magi
Diego Rodriguez de Silva
Velazquez (1599–1660)