Luke 12:40
Words & Music: Cary S. Colburn, in Hymns of Faith and Praise, edited by Daniel B. Towner (Dayton, Ohio: Lorenz Publishing, 1901), number 172 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Colburn (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I am watching, I am waiting
For the coming of the Lord,
For that coming in whose glory I shall share;
And the times are fast fulfilling
As recorded in His Word,
For His coming with the angels
In the air.
Are you ready for His coming,
If He should come tonight,
Should the angel of the Lord sound the warning?
Oh, how sweet to meet our loved ones
In the many mansions bright,
Should the Savior call us home in the morning.
He may call me in the morning,
Or at noon the call may come,
He may call me in the darkness of the night;
Be it morning, noon, or evening,
I’ll be ready then to go,
There to walk with Him in garments
Pure and white.
God has given all this promise,
Full of grace and love divine,
Whosoever will believe on Christ the Son,
Shall be saved—oh, precious promise,
I am His, and He is mine,
And with Him I soon shall be,
The victory won.