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ARE YOU READY? (Gabriel)

Scripture Verse

Every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. Revelation 16:20


Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1898. Ap­peared in the Gos­pel He­rald in Song, ed­it­ed by Will­iam S. Nic­kle, George J. Mey­er & Ow­en F. Pugh (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Mey­er & Bro­ther, 1899), num­ber 95.

Music: Ve­ra G. Ga­bri­el (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ve­ra Ga­bri­el (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


There’s a last day com­ing by and by (by and by),
When the sun shall fade, and mount­ains dis­ap­pear;
When the moon shall van­ish from the mid­night sky;
Oh, be rea­dy, for the day is near!


Oh, are you rea­dy?
Are you rea­dy for the last great day to come?
Oh, are you rea­dy?
Ready for the judg­ment day?

There’s a last day com­ing by and by (by and by),
When the liv­ing and the dead a voice shall hear;
Shall awake and an­swer to the Bride­groom’s cry;
Oh, be rea­dy, for the day is near!


There’s a last day com­ing by and by (by and by),
When from things of earth and friends we hold so dear,
We must part re­joic­ing, or with sad good­bye;
Oh, be rea­dy, for the day is near!
